9. מאמר She Won't Get Out of Her Room

Reaching Out in Family Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.


A fellow psychiatrist referred Mr and Mrs D. Their case was referred to as a case of a troubled teenager 17 yrs. old who suffered from social phobia with agoraphobia symptoms, and who did not attend school for four months prior to referral. The parents were described by the doctor, as very nice and very anxious. They desperately needed help that can be provided at their home, since the patient refused any professional help, and was not ready to consider medication. Mrs D. called to schedule the first meeting, which was set to be in my clinic. When the couple came in, no teenager was in the area

השאירו פרטים ונחזור אליכם בהקדם:

עוד בנושא

השתלמויות מקצועיות

השתלמויות מקצועיות השתלמות מקצועית הפרעות אכילה ההשתלמות תעסוק במתן ידע וכלים לצורך ההבנה של הגורמים וסיבות להתפתחות הפרעות אכילה, החיים תוך כדי הטיפול ולאחריו, ההתמודדות

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