91. מאמר Structures and Mechanisms in Practical Training

An Investigation of Apperception of Practical Knowledge by the Student During the Training Process, and the Development of Training Programs Based on Co-constructed Practical Knowledge Base.


​Promotion of development of professional training programs requires investigation of structures and mechanisms of practical knowledge transfer processes. Since as psychotherapists we bear responsibility for the family system and transgenerational transmission, exploration of processes of practical training is an ethical obligation. Therefore, understanding the apperception of the trainee is especially crucial in mental health professional training. This article presents a research process of practical knowledge apperception, during the training process of professional development in psychotherapy, from the student’s perspective. The training programs developed based on research understandings are presented. Further research on interdisciplinary practical knowledge and professional training is required.

השאירו פרטים ונחזור אליכם בהקדם:

עוד בנושא


מטרת התכנית היא להכשיר פסיכותרפיסטים.ות, בשיטות של התערבות טיפוליות וידע אקדמי תיאורטי על פי העקרונות של גישת רותם – Reaching Out Therapeutic Methodology. מודל העבודה

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